Want the latest art blog news from kellyannart | collect art!

Posted on May 02, 2012 by Kellyann Gilson Lyman

kellyannart.com launching new website + A & D salon retrospective | iconoculture | a world view on beauty | art integration conversation April 4-18, 2014 white space and/or go studios.

Oui Oui to the conversation of the integration of art in all forms.


Kellyann Manifesto 

1. Proposal  Title of show : Manifesto | kellyannart.com A & D salon retrospective |

iconoculture | a world view on beauty  | manifesto : public art engagement motto: see beauty in what you do!

2.Clear bodies of work representing:  large, medium & small abstracts + icons + positive print making campaigns on maps ++ sculptural play on words.

kellyannart.com | collections in conversations on positive reflections on humanity. Art production conceptualizing ethics & aesthetics in art & design salon education.  Art as a cultural equity.

3. Agenda: 

a. Spring Launch | exhibition dates: April 4- 18 (good friday) or 30th, April 4 (Friday) opening, April 6th (Sunday), artist walk & talk in nyc. Perhaps, 

meeting at the gallery space to do an art walk & talk, then off to sculpture garden...Mark DiSuvero in nyc. 

b. Art crate to ship show on the road. Select exhibition of 50 works 10 large, 10 medium, 20 small, 30 prints. 

c. Complete sales contracts on 3-4 art sales

d. follow up on press, publication & long term planning objective with kellyannart.com & creative concepts, inc. NYMOMA PS1, gallery space to exhibit retrospective | kellyannart.com

Note: Travel, shipping, installation & lodging fees need to confirmed. Do you have an apartment and/or location recommendation for lodging.

4. statement for solo project: Art in motion in real time. 

Response to Koddrip's show: In the context of my work & relation to your group. Love this pondering in ones (spiritual) art practice. So what are you learning from the unconscious? 

Is your cup empty & open to learn & give compassionately to life? Is the vessel breathing & swimming in homeostasis! Here is fountain of creativity.

My sola show with creative concepts at go studio or white space. will display bodies of work large abstracts, medium & small paintings + positive youth vision print campaigns & sculptural play on words, all reflecting on aesthetics & ethics in art. There is a link in Koddrip's work & mine, to know thine self & shine each day!

My collections address heroes, seeing beauty in what you do, iconoculture | a world view on beauty. I produce large paintings as a backdrop for the fusion of art design fashion photography, technology & thought. Positive thought as a means to cultivate culture via the creative process. If through our art, one creatively problem solves in their daily lives, is not art impacting culture positively.

I see my art global in motion to NYC, Paris, London, Japan, China & Abu Dabai. I am very curious as to the dialogue & conversation around arts integration (Oui to art in all forms). If we artists cull a renaissance in all art....invite those of interest in your circles around the globe to dialogue with integrate the arts in motion.

of sculpters: Mark DiSuvero, 

Poets...Chitra Neogy, Beyonce

Musicians....jay z, rihanna,

Film makers, interested & producing art, james franco, etc. 

Perhaps the art dialogue grows via integration of thought.  What is art saying today? Is art a cultural equity? Who are the benefactors of this art? Will the youth learn from this quest for ethics & aesthetics in their day. What will their culture produce or create as a consequence of our cultural influences. Are we a culture of seekers & doers? Are we paying forward intrigue, discovery, inspiration & delight! Yes is my thought. Bonne Chance,  kellyannart.com 

5. size 2000 - 10, 000 square feet

6. length of time : 1 year, Art in motion to global city centers. 2-4 week pops up with edition of show available. Originals available post global exhibition in Paris, NY, London, China, Japan & Abu Dabai  

7. Spring launch: Opening | Artist walk & talk

8. Additional catalog / publication : Yes, of course. Do I produce and/or do you work with me to produce & qty desired?

9. Video stream of images in this ongoing discourse....

10. Call out to Music....poetry, dance, invite Jay Z, Beyonce James Franco, Rihanna & all artists interested in integrating art conversations for a positive impact on humanity.


Posted in abstract contemporary art, Abu Dabai, ART, China, contemporary art & architecture, italian art rep, kellyann gilson lyman, LA, lisbon, London, nyc, paris, retrospective, SF
