Collecting art sales | Happy People can change the World Courreges

Posted on November 06, 2013 by Kellyann Gilson Lyman

Great partnerships in art are often great design! I would love to see as the back drop to Courregges. I concur with their philosophy...happy can change the world!




I find it curious in the art world, the dialogue of where artists land. In the business of art, what is the dialogue & what is the game beyond talent, timing & scope? | has been producing art for exhibition, that speaks to art & design ethics & aesthetics. A rubric behind art & design that creates art + production = profit. Great art, speaks to great design. The movers & shakers in art profit in the game.

With a fascination with Andy Warhol's business model in art & design, he sold his photo shoots at $50,000 USD for 1- 60 x 60 silkscreen print, then 5 editions $5000 each. So as an artist, he created his value & annual income with one project. I love the idea of art value, so as to continue to create great art that engages the public positively. 

The Warhol Foundation earned over 300 million last year. The estate that keeps on giving is a fabulous business model in art to study & establish. My collection of appropriations of AWF Jackie O, are being collected & archived for editions, as per approval by the AWF. As the art continues to promote Andy Warhols business ethic & his art in the cultural eye. Salon in art is key.

